thermal group meeting / autumn 2022

time and place: tue 14:15-15:15 at exwi-119
format: the person in charge selects 3 papers and guides us through them, starting with the paper that the audience finds most interesting
agenda: 20.09: general discussion and planning
27.09: master thesis presentation by Marc Schneiter
04.10: journal club / ml: slow-roll inflation at n3lo, backreaction in axion inflation, thermal correlators
11.10: journal club / sk: static potential at T > 0, velocity of sound at μ > 0, equation of state at T,μ > 0
18.10: journal club / sp: thermodynamic solution to everything, QCD transition and lepton asymmetries, instability in axion inflation
25.10: journal club / pk: bubble wall velocity, quantum corrections to scalar field dark matter, inflation and ew symmetry breaking
01.11: journal club / hk: strongly coupled dark sectors: 3->2 freeze-out, thermal history, gravitational waves
08.11: mid-term break
14.11: Robin Diedrichs (U. Frankfurt): Effects of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity on Neutron Stars and Their Gravitational Signals
15.11: Daniel Schmitt (U. Frankfurt): Audible Axions with a Booster: Gravitational Waves from Axion-Dark Photon Systems
22.11: journal club / dl: three regimes of thermal QCD, pion spectral properties at high T, topological susceptibility at high T
29.11: preview talk / sp: Gravitational wave background from axion warm inflation
06.12: pop-up discussion: dark SU(4) phase transition from lattice, dark SU(3) phase transition from holography, gravitational waves from feebly interacting particles, gravitational waves at O(1/mpl4), shear viscosity at finite μ, PT symmetric version of λφ4
13.12: no meeting (symposium week)
20.12: overview talk / sk: Realistic noise model of quantum error correction circuit in 1d repetition code and a statistical physics model